What’s New? The 2024 Quarter One Copyleaks Newsletter

In This Blog

Key Takeaways

  • AI Regulations: Regulations for AI continue to roll out in the US and EU, while tech giants like Google and Amazon continue to invest in the field.
  • New Features: Copyleaks unveils new tools for educators: Writing Assistant, LMS Analytics, and improved AI detection.
  • AI and Plagiarism: Copyleaks data show that AI use in schools continues to rise alongside decreasing but still significant plagiarism rates.
  • Company Milestones: Copyleaks celebrates growth in AI and plagiarism detection and the launch of its podcast, ‘Original Source.’

A Word From Our CEO

With 2024 being a crucial election year, the potential misuse of AI has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind, from creating believable enough robocalls of President Biden to deep fake images of Taylor Swift and others. As a result, we saw new AI regulations roll out across the US and the European Union. Elsewhere in the AI race, Google expanded its offering with the rebranded Gemini, including teaming with Apple to be the provider of AI within the iPhone. Amazon concluded its 4 billion investment in Anthropic, the maker of Claude.

Meanwhile, the team at Copyleaks has spent quarter 1 continuing to rise to the demand of the ever-changing landscape, which includes our new data report on AI use among students. Plus, we saw a plethora of product and feature releases:  the latest version of our award-winning AI Detector; Analytics, which provides organizations with historical data to track trends of AI and plagiarism use; and our newest product, the AI-based Writing Assistant, the market’s most accurate solution for suggesting grammar, spelling, sentence structure, tone, and more.

We’re in for an exciting year as the AI race continues. As usual, Copyleaks will continue to lead the way in our efforts to provide cutting-edge solutions for making informed decisions about authenticity, error-free writing, plagiarism, and, of course, responsible AI adoption. 

Alon Yamin

CEO & Co-Founder

Product & Feature Announcements

Writing Assistant visual graphic showing how the grammar errors are detected in speech.

Writing Assistant

The market’s most accurate solution for improving sentence structure, word choice, overall mechanics, spelling, and more.

LMS Analytics dashboard.

LMS Analytics

Provides educators with historical data of assignments to track trends of potential AI use, plagiarism, and more.

Company Announcements

Line graph comparing percentage of papers that contained AI Generated & Plagiarized Content.

Copyleaks’ Data Finds 76% Spike in AI-generated Content Among Students

Static visual graphic saying "Nearly 60% of GPT- 3.5 Outputs Contained Some Form of Plagiarized Content".

Copyleaks Analysis Finds Nearly 60% of GPT-3.5 Outputs Contained Some Form of Plagiarized Content

Copyleaks Celebrates Landmark Year, Experiencing Significant Growth and Innovation in AI Detection, Plagiarism Prevention, and Responsible AI Adoption

Check Out Our All-New Podcast!

The Original Source - The Copyleaks Podcast static graphic.

Original Source is a Copyleaks podcast about all things AI, plagiarism, and more.


Copyleaks LMS
Analytics Webinar

Blurred thumbnail of the webinar.

Copyleaks Workshop: 
Getting the Most From Your Copyleaks Account

Blurred thumbnail of the webinar.

From the Newsroom

Bloomberg logo

Enhancing Academic Integrity Guardrails With AI


ChatGPT: What It Is, How It Works and How It’s Evolving

Forbes Logo

What Not To Do With AI In Your Job Search

Law.com Logo

European Parliament Passes Landmark AI Act, World’s First Comprehensive Law Regulating Artificial Intelligence

For more media features, please visit the Copyleaks Newsroom.

From the Blog

The White House with an overlay drawing of hexagons to represent AI visual elements.

An Election Year With GenAI

"Plagiarism Is Here To Stay" is displayed on an electric banner on a building.

Plagiarism’s Second Act

Visual graphic showing how many documents are scanned for AI content.

Undetectable AI Tools: Are They Worth It?

"Gen AI" is displayed on a visual graphic.

GenAI In 2024

For more, please visit the Copyleaks Blog.

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