Вариант использования

Media & Publishing: Safeguarding Your Content in the AI Era

Protect your content at scale by automatically detecting whether it has been found online and within LLMs.

Evidence-Based Proof of
Plagiarism and More at Scale

While generative AI opens up exciting possibilities in publishing and media, it also presents new challenges regarding protecting proprietary content from unauthorized training, usage, and potential plagiarism.  Ensure you have the tools and insights to protect your content in a post-ChatGPT world.

Conduct In-Depth Content Audits At Scale

Automatically detect whether LLMs have used your content for training purposes and whether it’s being plagiarized. Coupled with in-depth analysis, you’ll have the needed insights and data to protect your IP and potentially take further action.

Comprehensive Plagiarism Detection

Detect if your content has been plagiarized or paraphrased and published anywhere online.

Extensive AI-Generated Text Analysis

Uncover if an LLM has been trained on your content and is plagiarizing it.

Substantial Report Findings

Get the most in-depth resource list available to be informed where your content may appear in unauthorized published articles.

Web report and source side by side comparison
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Ключевая особенность

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Полное покрытие модели ИИ

Detect across all AI models, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, and newer models once they are released.

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Гибкие возможности API

Bring the power of Copyleaks to your native platform with comprehensive, fully flexible API options.

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Поддержка нескольких языков

Plagiarism detection in over 100 languages and AI detection in over 30 languages.

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Обнаружение разрозненного контента с помощью ИИ

Our AI detection recognizes AI-generated text interspersed with human-written content to ensure complete visibility.

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Безопасность военного уровня

Каждый продукт Copyleaks может похвастаться безопасностью военного уровня, соответствием GDPR и сертификацией SOC2 и SOC3. Для получения полной информации о безопасности, кликните сюда.

Готовы начать?

Get the evidence you need to take action and protect your proprietary content. Speak with a team member today.