डेवलपर्स द्वारा डेवलपर्स के लिए निर्मित एक पूरी तरह लचीली एपीआई
Our SDKs allow developers to easily integrate the Copyleaks API into any platform in just a few minutes, using our ready-to-use code in different languages, including C#, नोड.जे.एस, पीएचपी, जावा, माणिक, अजगर, और अधिक।
Get more insight with a solution that highlights what text is human or AI at the sentence level versus entire paragraphs.
Detect AI Generated Content
Our award-winning एआई डिटेक्टर adds the next level of content verification for your business. From AI to copyright infringement, have all your bases covered.
100 से अधिक भाषाओं में साहित्यिक चोरी का पता लगाना
As one of the most extensive language databases on the market, you can detect potential plagiarism in over 100 languages.
API Integration Support
Choose your best option from our three comprehensive एकीकरण समर्थन योजनाएँ and have your API up and running in no time.
Simple Organization Management
With Copyleaks Admin, you can create and manage policies, assign multiple admins, and more. Our API dashboard provides detailed analytics, such as data usage and quota availability.
In-Depth Account Analytics
Account Analytics provides organization-wide data on all scanned assets, allowing you to track trends and make informed decisions around AI use, plagiarism, and more.
Unrivaled Search Results
Search across trillions of pages of original content, 16,000+ open-access journals, 60 trillion web pages, 1M+ internal documents, 20+ code data repositories, and more.