How To Select A Duplicate Content Checker For Education

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Creating original content is of vital importance. It is inevitable to have plagiarism-free content turned in.

The significance of intent in plagiarism cases

Dealing with plagiarized content is not always a straightforward matter. It is well-known that plagiarism is not just a legal issue, but the definition of plagiarism is not one dimensional. There are several ways in which plagiarism occurs in a research paper. 

To check for plagiarism in a research paper, it is wise to employ the best plagiarism checker.

Plagiarism Is an Ethical and Legal Offence

The implication of the multiple types of plagiarism also varies. A brief description of the different kinds of copy-content that occurs in textual content are enlisted below:


Here, the reference used in a paper is from another work that has been written by the same author. It does not come under the ambit of punishable offense, but it is still regarded as plagiarism. 

This kind of reference shows a lack of meticulousness. Hence it is best to cite one’s works properly and ensure that there is no plagiarism. 


The wrong attribution of a quoted text leads to misquotes. It is also a case of erroneous writing and can get quickly resolved. It is regarded as unintentional plagiarism but has to be corrected.

Copy content

Paraphrasing passages or extracting passages for one’s paper is deliberate plagiarism when the passages do not include notes and citations at appropriate places in the dissertation. 

This form of plagiarism comes under the case of copyright infringement, and the author whose work is used without due accreditation has the legal right to press charges against the person who has stolen the content.

Hence the intent behind the plagiarized matter is of prime significance. The kind of copied content that directly comes under the legal course of action is the one where the author’s identity is deliberately removed while using content from that author.

Avoid Plagiarism; Both Intentional and Unintentional 

The other cases of plagiarism are not carried out with malicious inclination and are therefore regarded as errors that require correction.

It is essential to select the best plagiarism checker to combat rising cases of plagiarism. However, being a paid checker, Copyleaks offers a high-quality online plagiarism checker for scanning a research paper. 

In any case, the presence of plagiarized text is a problem and has to be dealt with promptly by the original author.

The utility of duplicate content checker

Plagiarism occurs in very many ways, and the manual checking of online content and/or manuscripts of academic papers for plagiarism is not a feasible task. 

The presence of the online archive also makes it easier to acquire information causing more individuals to take content from online sources without providing the source or citation. To enhance the quality of the content, one has to check for plagiarism. 

To check paper for plagiarism, copy and paste your text on an online plagiarism checker. The plagiarism checker percentage provides accurate results within seconds. The content becomes plagiarism free when all the highlighted cases of illegal use of content in the paper are correctly resolved.

Copying Content Is A Serious Offence In College And Universities

It is sensible for students to check out what plagiarism checkers do universities use before scanning their written assignments for plagiarism. 

The presence of online tools in the form of sophisticated software for detecting plagiarism is highly useful as it eases the burden of researchers and authors to a high degree. Individuals can rest assured that their work is going to be plagiarism free before submission. 

The online procedure for checking plagiarism also deters unethical content stealers as tools such as copyright checker and code plagiarism checker are present. 

Guidelines for selecting an appropriate plagiarism checker

There are multiple tools available online for checking plagiarism, but all tools do not have the same efficiency. The following points can be scanned to choose the perfect tool:

Presence of advanced algorithms:

The software used for detecting duplicate content has to be sophisticated because copy-content issues have become increasingly difficult to detect. 

Paraphrased content often passes the test of plagiarism conducted by low-quality scanners because mechanical scanning fails to detect the reworded content. 

Agree To Our Terms: Copyleaks Use Advance Technology To Detect Copied Contents
Copyleaks Uses Advance Technology To Detect Copied Content

Hence, the software employed for scanning documents has to be adept at highlighting reworded phrases. 

The AI-backed plagiarism software offered by Copyleaks is highly efficient for detecting duplicate content in multiple languages and is therefore highly useful for checking copy-content problems. 

Clear terms of service:

The company that provides the service of plagiarism detection needs to have a clear and concise set of rules and regulations for users. 

Hidden fees and auto subscriptions are not well-liked by users as these features take away the autonomy of the individual who attempts to use the service. 

At Copyleaks, free trial of the software is provided, and exclusive services are kept for premium users for a reasonable fee. The option of terminating the service is always present and can be used by a client at any time. 

In simple words, it is best to select a service that prioritizes the requirements of the client and is flexible enough to employ as per requirement.

The assortment of services:

Document scanning is not always about plagiarism detection. Grammar check and spelling error detection are also functions that are important for elevating the standard of the textual content. 

A person can compare two texts online to check for similarity. Hence, different functions work in unison to make a document ready for publication. Therefore, while selecting a service provider, the gamut of services provided by them has to be carefully scanned through key tool comparisons. 

Copyleaks offers Google Docs add-ons and Microsoft Office add-ons, which can be integrated with the different user systems that enable quick detection of plagiarism. Hence, it prudent to opt for the seamless content scanning services offered by Copyleaks.

Device compatibility:

Individuals are using different kinds of android devices for uploading content. Content checking service has to be compatible with multiple android devices. Most people use smartphones, and scanning content through mobile devices makes it easier to check content for plagiarism. Copyleaks offers a plagiarism checker Mobile App for Android and iOS.

Copyleaks Comes With A Great Device Compatibility, Hence, Users Prefer It A Lot
Copyleaks Comes With A Great Device Compatibility, Hence, Users Prefer It A Lot

The cloud-based application of Copyleaks is well-suited for monitoring content online from mobile devices. Hence, interest in our company by the users is increasing because they are receiving a sufficient amount of benefits from Copyleaks.

Comprehensive service plans:

It is known that most software service providers include two service plans for prospective clients. One is usually a free plan, and the other one is a paid membership. Apart from looking at the pricing of paid service, it is essential to scan the services included under each plan. 

It is also important to note whether the services are tailored as per the client. At Copyleaks, services are listed for business owners and academicians separately. You can check here the pricing for Copyleaks.

Within the same category, further differentiation is done to suit individual requirements and necessities of institutes. 

The institutional tool is also provided for enterprises. The in-depth differentiation and allocation of services display the well-planned nature of the service plans offered by Copyleaks. Moreover, Copyleaks occasionally sends you promo and account related emails. Through them, users can avail the services at a discounted rate. 

Informative sites:

Service providers that do not enlighten people about the hazards of plagiarism are not considered in today’s world. 

The rising influence of automatic writing services and paraphrasing tools causes an inclination among young students to reword content and use it as their composition. 

The unethical nature of this practice requires adequate deliberation. Service providers that have well-informed guides regarding the instances and causes of plagiarism and actions required for stopping copy-content issues aid in lowering the occurrences of intentional copying. 

Copyleaks provides adequate information regarding plagiarism on their blog.


Erasing all instances of plagiarism from dissertations and written content is challenging, but availing a software service for automatic detection of plagiarized content eases the entire process

The terms of service at Copyleaks is kept lucid for ensuring comprehensibility. A plagiarism checker free trial of the available plagiarism tool aids in strengthening the decision to utilize services of Copyleaks regularly.

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