How to Check Any Writing Project for Plagiarism? | Copyleaks 2021

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How to Check for Plagiarism?

As a student, it’s important to always remain mindful of the sources you use during the course of your writing. There are times when you might lose your notes, or you get totally engrossed with your subjects that you unknowingly reproduce a sentence you have read somewhere without realizing it. 

Copying another person’s work is also called plagiarism and it can lead to serious consequences. The good news is you can use a plagiarism checker that will help you find any phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that you need to cite first.

What are the different types of plagiarism?

Plagiarism involves copying a part of the entirety of content composed by someone else, whether intentional or not. Presenting this content as your own unique ideas instead of mentioning the original authors also counts as plagiarism.

It’s considered unintentional if you didn’t know that you used the information or you don’t know how to cite sources correctly. Be very careful when writing. Even minimal paraphrasing can get considered plagiarism, which might lower your grades, especially when the similarities are of a higher level you didn’t provide any sources. You could even risk expulsion from the university you’re studying if you copy somebody else’s work. This also applies when you provide fake citations in your list of references. 

Before you can start checking your work for plagiarism, it’s important to understand the different types of plagiarism that can happen. Complete plagiarism is very serious as it is when the entire content of a person’s work is simply copied from other sources. Source-based plagiarism is when a person fails to cite their sources properly. A plagiarism checker can help you to stay away from this kind of plagiarism. Direct plagiarism is when a person includes direct quotes without giving due credit to the original authors.

Auto or self-plagiarism is common with research writers and publishers and it happens when they copy content from their previous works. Paraphrasing plagiarism is when a person simply substitutes words in another person’s content with synonyms. Inaccurate authorship is a practice done by students that involves providing wrong or inaccurate references with non-existent or missing credentials. This is strictly considered a serious offense.

Mosaic plagiarism is when a person uses small bits from various sources to create something new. Detecting this type of plagiarism is more difficult but the best plagiarism checker can still identify the similarity percentage when someone tries to do this type of plagiarism. Accidental plagiarism is when one uses paraphrasing without checking, revising, or proofreading their paper before submission. In other words, they might not have realized that they committed plagiarism.

The value of submitting original work

Plagiarism checkers are amazing tools for students like you but they’re also used by professionals. Remember that original and new work is essential to keep readers engaged no matter what the content is. 

To make sure of this, using a plagiarism checker won’t help you make your work original but you can use it to check your written works for potentially plagiarized content. When you discover that you have used something similar or exactly like something from existing content, this tool will help you out.

Student assistance with education

Students need to accomplish plenty of writing assignments throughout their education. Since this is a serious offense when in college, students should always make sure to check their work for potential plagiarism before submitting it. Whenever the students feel overwhelmed with the work they need to do, they try to find cheap research paper writers on sites like StudyClerk. These are professional writing services that often write papers for students while offering strong support. Students should be careful while reaching out to sucx`h websites.

Look out for some warning signs

There are several signs to look out for so that you can spot plagiarized content. For one, look out for any noticeable unevenness in writing style or unusual phrasings. Also, look for concepts that seem too complex for the level of the writer (even if you are the writer). If you find any incorrect or unclear sources, this could indicate plagiarism too. Also, if the diction choice or writing style in a paper seems inconsistent with other written documents from the same writer, check the document thoroughly.

One of the most effective ways to identify plagiarism is to input an unusual set of words into a search engine, then see if you get any matches. As a student, you can work together with your coursemates to check each other’s work. Knowing these warning signs will make things much easier for you.

Use a reliable plagiarism checker for students 

Because of the consequences of plagiarism, many educational institutions consider plagiarism a very serious matter. Often, students can’t cope with the voluminous number of essays, tests, and projects they need to accomplish. If you have experienced this, you might end up having projects left undone until the last minute. In such a case, you will feel like you have no choice but to rush through writing. 

If your deadline is too close and you’re worried about revising your work to avoid accidental plagiarism, use Copyleaks, the best plagiarism checker, to help you out. You will increase your chance of getting a good grade if you avoid plagiarism. 

Schools won’t respond well to any type of plagiarism that students commit. In such a case, they will take appropriate actions according to their policies. Should they prove that you plagiarized your work, you will receive a failing grade. To be on the safe side, it’s recommended to use plagiarism checkers to avoid any kind of plagiarism. Since the designs of plagiarism checkers make it easy for students like you to use them, you get the assurance of complete plagiarism results. 

Using plagiarism checkers has made accidental plagiarism a rarer occurrence. Even if you forget to include an important reference or a set of quotations, you can use Copyleaks to find these issues. It’s recommended to opt for the complete report of all sources similar to your work so that you can also eliminate any unintentional plagiarism. Copyleaks is an excellent tool for plagiarism checking as it detects all types of plagiarism, including paraphrasing. 

With such a powerful checker, you can spot paraphrased and similar content that you might have overlooked. After pouring dozens of hours to come up with a well-written assignment, the last thing you want is to get accused of plagiarizing. You can preserve your work and get that high grade your paper deserves if you proofread and edit your assignment before submitting it.

What will happen to students who plagiarize?

When a teacher discovers plagiarism in the works submitted by their students, the normal procedure is to talk to the student involved first. Only then can the teacher determine the appropriate consequence to give. In some cases, a student who plagiarizes is purposely doing it. If so, they might do the same in other classes too. For those who got caught plagiarizing for the first time, the issue might end with a warning.

If a student plagiarizes again, the case will go to the school’s Academic Review Board. When this happens, Academic Review Board will review the issue, then conduct a hearing where the student must attend. After the hearing, the student will find out what will happen because of what they did – and this is usually a negative consequence.


When writing a paper, you must check for plagiarism. Do this before submitting your work. It’s recommended to use Copyleaks as your plagiarism checker. After checking your document, you will get a comprehensive that you can then go through.

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