Verify what a human wrote and what is AI-generated with the AI Detector Browser Extension.
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With over 99% accuracy and a 0.2% false positive rate, the AI Detector Browser Extension lets you know if what you’re reading online was written by a human or an AI model, including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, plus paraphrased text and AI-generated source code.
Wouldn’t you like to know that the post you’re reading on social media was actually written by someone and not just a text bot? The AI Detector Browser Extension helps keep you in the know.
Text bots are everywhere now, but they’ve been trying to influence our decisions on review sites for a while now. With our AI Detector, you can know what reviews are genuine and which ones were written by an AI copy generator so you can make a truly informed purchase decision.
With the rise of AI-generated text, more and more articles are being created by AI chatbots, including GPT-4, with possible programmed biases. Know who or what wrote your news with the AI Detector Browser Extension.
مرحبًا أيها الطلاب! قبل أن تستشهد بهذه الصفحة من الإنترنت في مهمتك ، قد ترغب في التحقق مرة أخرى من أن منشئ نص AI لم يقم بإنشائها. لأن ما يبدو أنه حقيقي ليس دائمًا كما يبدو.
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