Karriere bei Copyleaks

Explore opportunities across the globe to join our innovative, highly dynamic team and be a part of our passion for building great things with the latest AI technologies and fulfilling our mission to build digital trust and empower error-free writing.

Who We Are

Wir sind eine führende KI-Textanalyseplattform, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Unternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen bei der Navigation durch die sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Landschaft der genAI durch verantwortungsvolle KI-Innovation zu unterstützen und dabei den technologischen Fortschritt mit Integrität, Transparenz und Ethik in Einklang zu bringen.

Our Core Values


Bietet die Werkzeuge und das Wissen, um das volle Potenzial freizusetzen.


Unser Ziel ist es, die Erwartungen unserer Kunden bei jeder Interaktion zu übertreffen.


Wir verpflichten uns zu transparenten und sicheren Praktiken mit offenem Dialog und Integrität bei allem, was wir tun.

Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Fördern Sie das Teamwachstum und entwickeln Sie gleichzeitig Produkte, die das Leben bereichern. 


Grenzen neu definieren, um kreative Lösungen für die Anforderungen von morgen zu schaffen.

It's a joy working with people who are laser-focused on a common goal and where you can see everyone's efforts directly impact our customers.

Gavin Philippas, Customer Success Manager


At Copyleaks, We Grow Together

We Believe in DIVERSITY

We believe diversity and inclusion enrich the workplace. When you have people from different backgrounds working together, it fosters unique perspectives and ideas, leading to greater innovation and, quite simply, a better work environment. That’s why we are committed to nurturing a culture where people feel free to be who they truly are.

We Celebrate CULTURE

As a multi-continent-spanning team, we are enriched by learning about and honoring our different cultures and values. We value our team members’ success and growth and never shy away from opportunities to laud success. We fully believe that a happy team is a strong team.

We Thrive with TEAMWORK

Whether we’re working remotely or from one of our offices, a permanent key focus for our team is fully transparent and consistent communication across all departments to ensure excellent synergy within the company.

My time at Copyleaks has been an incredibly rewarding experience. The company culture is one of teamwork, innovation, and continuous learning, and the team is extremely dedicated and supportive. Additionally, the technology behind our products is cutting edge. I highly recommend Copyleaks to anyone looking for a dynamic and fulfilling work experience.

Bayan Abuawad, Development Team Lead
