Caso d'uso

Safeguard Your AI Model Training Data

Streamline your training and ensure your AI model is trained only on quality human-created content every time with the AI Detector.

What’s In Your AI Training Data? 

A 2023 study suggests that by 2026, nearly 90% of all online content will be AI-generated, meaning AI models run the risk of being trained on AI-generated content. Safeguard your AI model training data today with the AI Detector.

Distribuire un output sostenibile fin dall'inizio

Deploy Sustainable Output from the Start

Training AI models requires a lot of time and data, so get it right from the start. Verify that you release a sustainable model from the get-go and ensure your model is trained and remains to be trained only on high-quality human-created data.

Streamline Your
AI Training Process

The AI industry is rapidly evolving, and keeping your AI model up-to-date with the changing landscape is crucial. Streamline your training process with the AI Detector and reduce the turnaround time for releasing updates. 

Quick updates image
Mantieni la trasparenza sui tuoi dati di allenamento

Retain Transparency Around Your Training Data

With the AI Detector, you have complete visibility of where AI-generated content is within your training data so that you can remove it quickly and efficiently, including text that has been paraphrased, ‘humanized,’ or interspersed. 

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Caratteristiche principali

Icona di rilevamento AI

Complete AI Model Coverage

Rileva i contenuti generati da tutti i modelli di intelligenza artificiale, come ChatGPT, Gemini e Claude, oltre ai modelli più recenti una volta rilasciati.

Icona API

Opzioni API flessibili

Choose the API option from our integration support plans that best suits the needs of your organization and have your API up and running in no time.

Icona della carta selezionata

Market-Leading Accuracy 

The AI Detector has a 99% overall accuracy rate and a 0.2% false positive rate.

Scopri di più sul nostro Metodologie di test del rilevatore AI.

Icona del codice

Rilevamento del codice sorgente generato dall'intelligenza artificiale

Safeguard code-related training data with a comprehensive solution that detects AI-generated source code, even if it’s been altered or modified.

Icona di rilevamento

Rilevamento dei contenuti AI intervallati

The AI Detector can detect AI-generated text even if it has been interspersed with human-written content to ensure full visibility.

Icona di sicurezza

Sicurezza di livello militare

Every Copyleaks product boasts military-grade security plus GDPR compliance and SOC2 certification. For full security details, clicca qui.

Detection Across Multiple Languages

  • Inglese
  • spagnolo
  • francese
  • portoghese
  • tedesco
  • Italiano
  • russo
  • Polacco
  • rumeno
  • Olandese
  • svedese
  • ceco
  • norvegese
  • coreano
  • giapponese
  • Cinese (semplificato)
  • Cinese (tradizionale)
  • arabo
  • bengalese
  • bulgaro
  • croato
  • greco
  • ebraico
  • hindi
  • ungherese
  • serbo
  • tailandese
  • turco
  • ucraino
  • vietnamita

For a full list of supported languages & accuracy, clicca qui.

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